Bar/Bat Mitzvah Preparation

JKidz Hebrew School has prepared numerous boys and girls for their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. Every one of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah experiences has been a whopping success! Regardless of the family's background, level of Jewish education and knowledge, or the guests in attendance, everybody was made to feel comfortable and prepared for this very important milestone in the Jewish lifecycle! At every Bar/Bat Mitzvah so far, the reaction from parents and guest has been unanimous... "This was the most meaningul, memorable and enjoyable, Bar/Bat Mitzvah that we have every experienced!"

Please call Rabbi Motti at (302) 529-9900 Ext. 2 or email [email protected] for for more information about the Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparatory process, the Bar Mitzvah itself, or for references from parents whose children had their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs here.